Resolution No. 25-NQ/TW, dated July 25th, 2008, the Seventh Conference of the Central Committee (X term) “On strengthening the leadership of the Party in youth affair in the period of promoting industrialization and modernization” has clearly indicated the task: “Improving the quality of young workers, creating jobs” along with the guidelines and policies of the Party and the State, Lai Chau has implemented many policies to create jobs for rural youth and achieved some remarkable achievements. In the period of 2011-2020, Lai Chau has created 67,000,000 jobs, an average of 6,700 new jobs per year, in which sending workers abroad reached 0.029%, The rate of new job creation between men and women is relatively balanced. However, creating jobs for workers is still a challenge for Lai Chau, the labor market in the province has not been developed yet, there are no industrial parks, export processing zones, manufacturing enterprises... therefore, local jobs have not been created, workers are mainly looking for jobs outside the province. These factors have significantly affected the results of implementation and deployment of the province's job creation policy. From the current situation of job creation for rural youth, the article uses the method of analyzing documents from reports and related articles on the same topic and using statistical results of the Department of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs of Lai Chau province with the goal of assessing the current situation of job creation and offering some solutions to create jobs for rural youth in Lai Chau province today.
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