
  • Phuong Do Thi Thu Vietnam Women’s Academy



Decree No. 20-ND-CP, dated March 15th 2021, of the Government “regulating social assistance policies for social protection subjects” clearly stated the principle that “Social assistance policies are implemented timely, fairly, openly and transparently”. Children’s Villages have carried out the work of nurturing, caring for and educating children with special circumstances and orphans in accordance with regulations. Children are involved in learning, career guidance, medical care and social activities. However, enhancing opportunities and resources for social integration for orphans living in social assistance facilities is still a challenge for Children's Villages. Limited funding, lack of facilities, resources and unique characteristics of orphans are still difficulties in social integration for children. From the current situation of social integration of orphans, the article uses document analysis methods, quantitative and qualitative surveys at two SOS Children's Villages and Birla, Hanoi city with the goal of evaluating social integration of orphans and proposing some solutions to enhance social integration for children with special circumstances in general and orphans in particular at social assistance facilities.


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