
  • Hoang Nguyen Le Bao Ho Chi Minh City University of Education
  • Son Huynh Van Ho Chi Minh City University of Education
  • Quan Bui Hong Ho Chi Minh City University of Education



In recent years, issues related to student mental health such as stress, depression, anxiety,... have occurred frequently and to be on the rise. Therefore, this research was conducted to clarify the mental health situation of high school students after the COVID-19 pandemic. The research sample included 708 high school students from schools in Hanoi, Dak Lak, Ho Chi Minh City and Dong Thap, representing three regions of Vietnam. Survey results show that the rate of students experiencing mental health issue is quite high, with anxiety being the most prominent symptom, superior to depression and stress manifestations. These manifestations are related to study pressure, family expectations and social disruption in the recent post-COVID-19 context. Through this, the authors emphasize the need for school psychological support programs to help students identify and manage negative psychological issues more effectively


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