
  • Thuy Nguyen Thu Faculty of Foreign Languages - People's Police Academy
  • Phuong Duong Thi Thanh Faculty of Foreign Languages - People's Police Academy




Reading comprehension is an important activity which accounts for a large proportion in the process of teaching and learning a foreign language as well as in other learning and researching activities. For international students studying at The People’s Police Academy, reading comprehension is one of the most decisive factors to establish a channel in order to provide background knowledge about language, culture, country, people and specialized knowledge relating to police in the most effective way. Therefore, the aims of teaching reading comprehension is to consolidate and expand students’ knowledge, language skills one step further to prepare them for studying subjects of police training program. Through reading comprehension activities, teachers can provide students with police Vietnamese corpus in the most direct, focused and accurate way. With the method of analyzing, synthesizing secondary documents and derived from the reality of teaching Vietnamese to international students at the People's Police Academy, the article proposes solutions to improve the ability of reading comprehension for international students when learning Vietnamese.


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