
  • Hoa Dang Nang Ho Chi Minh City Open University
  • Ngoc Tran Phuong Hanoi University of Culture



In Cham folk rituals and festivals, music and dance play an important role in creating the soul of the ceremony. Currently, the Rija ceremony system of Cham ethnic group includes 4 rituals: Rija Nâgar ceremony (new year dance ceremony), Rija Harei ceremony (daytime dance ceremony), Rija Dayep ceremony (night dance ceremony), Rija Praong ceremony (big dance ceremony). This is a ritual system of folk beliefs that includes many rituals of dancing, singing, music and drama, organized by the Cham ethnic group to pray to ancestors and gods for good weather and wind, health and good harvest. In the Rija ceremony, music and dance play a leading role from the beginning to the end, which are ceremonial songs, ceremonial dances... From a unified content, music and dance have completely replaced the human voice to dialogue with ancestors, grandparents and gods. In this article, the content refers to the role of ceremonial dances in the Rija ritual; from there, state the current situation and preserve ceremonial dances in the current period.


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